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What is a Community First Responder?

Community First Responders are  volunteers in your community  trained as a minimum in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator, who are dispatched by the Ambulance Service to attend potentially life-threatening emergencies.

What calls will a CFR likely attend?
  • Chest Pains

  • Cardiac Arrests

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Unconscious

  • Medical Collapse


While CFR's shouldn't go to any thing else, the nature of emergencies can be unpredicatble, so CFR's are trained to deal with far more than just those listed above.

Do CFR's replace Ambulances?

No, we do not replace the ambulance service.  A CFR fills the gap between the 999 call and the ambulance arrival.  


An Ambulance is always dispatched at the same time a CFR is, but as CFR's are in the community they can often get there first.


In an Emergency, dial 999 as soon as possible.

Recognition of an emergency is the first stage in the 'chain of survival'.  Call 999 as fast as possible

Speak Slow, Calm and Clearly to the 999 operator

It can be difficult in a stressful situation to stay calm, but it is important that as much detail is passed to 999 dispatcher as possible without delay.

Is your house name or number visible day or night?

If not, and where possible, have someone waiting to flag down an emergency vehicle.  Remember a Community First Responder may arrive in an unmarked vehicle before the Ambulance.

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